Though less popular than in the past, DVDs remain a reliable way to distribute your video and are still very popular in many parts of the world.There are various options for distributing your video on DVD. You could submit your video to existing compilations. The...
Social justice, environmental, human rights and documentary film festivals have flourished around the world in recent years. They are a great way of reaching audiences with an existing interest in the topic of your film. You can use websites such as Without a...
USB memory sticks & memory cardsUSB memory sticks are very effective and cheap media storage devices. Memory cards can be found inside digital cameras, mobile phones and other equipment. They can be accessed by dedicated memory card readers or by connecting...
Choosing an online video hosting serviceYouTube may be the most popular online video service but there are many alternatives that offer various benefits. When deciding which video service to use, there are many factors to consider. Who is my audience and where...
Publishing videos online is a great way to make content available to a wide audience. But sometimes you can’t rely on internet access: poor connectivity, lack of access and censored network connections are common obstacles. Additionally, key audiences you want...