At the other end of secure storage is having the ability to delete data completely. In some cases, you may need to delete copies of raw footage or videos stored in a specific device to protect yourself, your organisation, your sources and the subjects of your videos....
Without data encryption all digital data, including Blue Ray, can be retrieved no matter the format. Tapes offer no encryption.While Mac and Windows are offering software utilities by default to encrypt entire hard disks and drives (FileVault and Bitlocker,...
Storage devices are conceivably more easily concealed, but even-so, any device can be easily read for its contents. Almost every digital device, from a cell phone to a GPS is a store for data. Video Files are Huge Video consumes much more data than other digital...
In some countries filming someone without their knowledge or consent could land you with a lawsuit, or worse, for invasion of privacy. It could also do damage to the cause you intend to support if those you intend to video have no idea what your intentions are. More...
In the field one can either plan ahead or, if in the wrong place at the right time, work quickly to document events as they play out. If you have the luxury to plan your shoot you can decide on the most suitable camera for the task and prepare it accordingly. You can...