نشر الفيديوهات عبر الإنترنت طريقة رائعة لإتاحة المحتوى لجمهور عريض. لكن أحياناً لا يمكنك الاعتماد على الاتصال بالإنترنت: فمن العقبات الشائعة سوء الاتصال وضعف الوصول واتصالات الشركة المراقبة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد لا تكون الجماهير الأساسية التي تريد الوصول إليها موجودة...
Credits: Original article by Felipe Fonseca (2009)December 2012 revision by Anna Helme.Copy editing: Andrew Lowenthal and Cheekay CincoLicense: CC Non-commercial share-alike.
When you are using a hybrid distribution strategy in combination with subtitles, you should think carefully about how to go about it adding them. If you are distributing online consider using a video service that utilises Amara (formally known as Universal Subtitles)....
Some projects offer users a dedicated computer interface for browsing, selecting and saving or burning video files from the internet onto CDs, DVDs or other digital media. But you can accomplish basically the same results on any PC which holds your data files and has...
TV is still a great way to reach mass audiences and in many countries is still the dominant way people receive their information, and often carries an authority many online outlets don’t possess. The problem is, how to get your content onto the airwaves.In many...