Before Filming

Deconstructing Digital Video for Activists

What is a video format? A codec? What do 1080 and 720 refer to? What about “i” and “p”? In this video, archivist and writer of WITNESS’ award winning guide, Yvonne Ng, provides an overview of the key technical characteristics of digital video for everyday users with...

Video as Evidence: Shot List for Filming Secure Scenes

While footage showing an alleged crime may very well be valuable as evidence, it can also be valuable to have documentation of the aftermath of a human rights violation.This shot list provides quick guidance on filming multiple angles of the scene, as...

Obtaining Informed Consent

Informed consent is a legal and ethical obligation of human rights defenders to protect the safety, security and dignity of their interviewees. This tip sheet covers the four main elements of informed consent and how to obtain it on paper and on camera.

Getting Ready To Make A Human Rights Film

“Before Filming” helps you prepare yourself and the people you’re working with to identify the goal of your video, link your video to action, and understand consent.

Guide to Safely and Securely Producing Media

This guide is a collection of Small World News’ (SWN) best practices and suggestions that they have made to their colleagues over the last five years. It is intended for people who may have tried to shoot one or two videos, but find themselves at a loss on how...