Understanding Sound & Light

Understanding Sound & Light

Your video can be perfectly framed, but with bad sound and light your video will not be effective. Good sound and light make your videos professional, and make it more likely to be shared by others. They are necessary components to enable information in your video to...
Understanding the Basics of Shooting Video

Understanding the Basics of Shooting Video

When new journalists start starts shooting video they often become frustrated when clips they record do not reflect the experiences they had shooting them. The problem they face is understanding cameras see the world very differently than a human. By learning some...
Understanding How to Use Any Camera Well

Understanding How to Use Any Camera Well

When you are in the middle of shooting your video it may be difficult to know exactly what you should record. This is particularly true when you are starting out. It is easy to get frustrated, confused, and be unsure of yourself.Every videographer has gone through...

Effective Video on Low Cost Devices

How can a video journalist maximise their existing low-end devices to create good videos? This guide will answer that question with tips and strategies.This guide is available in Arabic and Burmese. You can download the Burmese translation here: Effective Video on Low...
Hands-On: Live Stream with Google Hangouts On Air/YouTube – تدريب عملي: البث المباشر باستخدام دردشة جوجل الجماعية على الهواء / يوتيوب

Hands-On: Live Stream with Google Hangouts On Air/YouTube – تدريب عملي: البث المباشر باستخدام دردشة جوجل الجماعية على الهواء / يوتيوب

لمحة عامةمع دردشة جوجل الجماعية، يمكنك استضافة حتى 10 أشخاص في محادثة فيديو وأيضاً تبادل بث تلك الدردشة الجماعية. وكصحفي مواطن، يمكنك استضافة مادة بث خاصة بموضوع معين تهتم به، ودعوة أفراد أو خبراء أو صحفيين آخرين للانضمام إلى المحادثة.في الوقت الحاضر، يمكنك البث...