Video4Change Network Blog
Descubrimientos clave en el estudio: Midiendo el impacto del Video para el Cambio
En este post, resaltamos los hallazgos de la Investigación sobre Impacto del Video para el Cambio (V4C). El reporte completo está disponible para descargar aquí. En 2012 y 2013, la red del V4C comenzó a investigar las oportunidades y necesidades de evaluar elimpacto...
B’Tselem Case Study: How to Build a Fence in Hebron
Title: How to Build a Fence in HebronVideo by B'TselemThis case study was prepared by Julie Fischer, Research Assistant to the Video for Change Impact Research and Intern at the MIT Open Documentary Lab. This was based on the interview she conducted with Yoav Gross,...
B’Tselem and Video for Change
This report was prepared by Julie Fischer, Research Assistant for the Video for Change Impact Research and Intern at the MIT Open Documentary Lab. This is based on the interview she conducted with Yoav Gross, Director of the B'Tselem Video Department.About B'TselemAs...

Because Video has Impact: Evaluation and Monitoring
When you make a video , you have to have a goal ... and then you have to reach your goal. For processes that serve internal monitoring and evaluation (and not to be confused with those we show to funders! ) .For example : we want to make a video to motivate young...
The 1st video4change Gathering in Mexico and Central America: Video Memory
The first video4change gathering in Mexico and Central America was a success. Organisations from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Nicaragua met to share information, resources, strategies and best practices in the use of video as a tool for social...
SocialTIC Case Study: Open Access Culture Video
Video: Cultura Libre - What Do You Think Open Access Culture Is?As discussed in the companion report to this case study, digital empowerment-focused nonprofit SocialTIC is not yet engaged with formal methods of measuring or assessing the impact of their work. In order...
SocialTIC: Impact Measurement
Julie Fischer interviewed Alberto Ramîrez Martinell from SocialTIC. This post shares the results of that interview.About SocialTICSocialTIC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people through technology. They are based in Mexico City and Xalapa,...
Primera reunión de video para el cambio social en México y Centroamérica: Video Memoria
La primera reunión de video para el cambio social en México y Centroamérica fue un éxito. Organizaciones de México, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador y Nicaragua se dieron cita en el encuentro para compartir información, recursos, estrategias y buenas prácticas en el...
InsightShare and Video for Change
Video: Chris Lunch at TEDxIHECS "This is not a Video Camera" Soledad is a senior associate InsightShare. In this interview with Cheekay Cinco she shares her thoughts on Video for Change and measuring impact.. About InsightShare InsightShare is a 15-year-old...
Seguridad y Privacidad Digital: Algunas consideraciones sobre seguridad digital.
Seguridad y Privacidad Digital: Algunas consideraciones sobre seguridad digital.:Buena información que complementa los temas vistos en el taller de ciberseguridad:seguridaddigital:La necesidad de implementar medidas de seguridad digital para individuos u...