This template enables you to make a short film “edit-in-camera”. You pause the video at the end of a shot, then restart it with the new shot. The end result is a finished film as a single video file composed of different shots, ready for upload....
This template enables you to work on your own. You prepare and memorise a short, structured voice-over: three sentences for three shots, all recorded in a single take. Helpful hints STICK TO THE TEMPLATE!Find your own voice. Do not try to imitate the...
These three templates for fast-turnaround video news reports have been developed by media project visionOntv1 for shooting on mobile devices. They cover single-take interviewing, single-take reporting, and shooting resuming video on mobile devices. They enable...
This chapter gives tips both technical and artistic on how to get the best results when recording video on an Android device camera. Shooting better video Hold your camera HORIZONTALLY, not vertically. Image stabilisers on smartphones and tablets do not work as well...
Using the built-in camera app or an external app For shooting video on an android device, you can either use the built-in camera app, or install an external one. The built-in app in modern devices generally functions perfectly well. Free external app Camera ICS,...