Video4Change Network Blog
Human Rights Video, Privacy and Visual Anonymity in the Facebook Age
The successful nationwide organizing and subsequent protests in Egypt to oust the 30-year regime of President Hosni Mubarak have in part been facilitated by Facebook. But as media and technology commentators and human rights activists alike are noting, using Facebook...

WITNESS Archive Guide Monitoring and Evaluation Survey
WITNESS is launching a short 5-10 minute online survey to evaluate their Archive Guide and their three Archiving for Activist videos. They are hoping to cast a net far and wide to reach activists who have read and/or used the Archive Guide, or who have watched/used...

Video for Change Impact Survey: Key Findings
In October 2014 we asked Video for Change practitioners to complete a survey to help us better understand impact design and impact assessment practices and needs. 41 people completed our survey and by far most were working in Asia (91%) followed by North America...
Video for Change Impact Research, Community and Toolkit
In early 2013 the video4change network began a research project in collaboration with MIT's Center for Civic Media and Open Documentary Lab to explore the impact of Video for Change, with a focus on the approaches prevalent in the network. Those approaches are mostly...

Video4Change Indonesia Gathering: The Process
On 24-25 March, 12 video activists from Jakarta, Bandung, Cilacap, Cirebon, Purwokerto, and Jogjakarta came together at the first Video4Change gathering in Indonesia to share their experiences in making videos for social change with a focus on impact.

Video For Change Approaches and Impact: Inputs from Yogyakarta
Earlier this month at our EngageMedia office in Yogyakarta, Indonesia we hosted a consultation session with organisations that are using video as an approach to create or support social change. This consultation is the first in a series we have planned to gather...

Calling all Video for Change practitioners: Please help inform our Impact toolkit!
Over the past 18 months the video4change network has been working on a toolkit to help Video for Change practitioners design for and evaluate impact. We’ve been blogging about this research here. We are now at a stage where we’d really like some inputs from other...

Why WITNESS and Other Nonprofits Are Adopting the Serious Business of Monitoring and Evaluation
By Sara Federlein Last month, The New York Times “reviewed” the still-in-the-works Participant Media Index designed to measure the impact and engagement of social issue documentaries. Anyone in the nonprofit world knows that “impact” and “engagement” are the buzzwords...

Video for Change and our “Taxonomy of Impact”
This post considers the types of impact Video for Change practitioners can contribute to. It also discusses how our 'taxonomy of impact' has been integrated into the early development of our Video for Change Impact toolkit. Last week the Center for Investigative...

Understanding the Practices and Impact of ‘Media at the Margins’
This post looks at the work of Professor Clemencia Rodriguez who has spent twenty years researching and supporting citizens’ media initiatives in Colombia. In reporting on a talk and workshop Clemencia gave last week in Sydney, I consider what the video4change network...