Video4Change Network Blog
Video4Change Indonesia Gathering: What is Impact?
On 24 and 25 March, 12 Indonesian videomakers met in the city of Yogyakarta for first Video4Change regional gathering in South East Asia. The first global Video4Change gathering also took place in Yogyakarta almost two years ago. The major focus of the gathering was...
Dimensions of Impact | Reviewing the Impact Playbook
The Harmony Institute and Bay Area Video Coalition's Impact Playbook is oft-cited in the impact space as key guide for media makers to develop impact and evaluation plans for their work. The guide highlights the quantitative over the qualitative indicators of impact...
Studi Kasus Dampak Perubahan: Video EngageMedia
Video: Surat Cinta Kepada Sang Prada (Love Letter to a Soldier).Implementing Organisation: EngageMediaProject/Video detailsSurat Cinta kepada Sang Prada adalah video 7 menit yang menceritakan kisah Maria 'Eti' Goreti, yang di tahun 2008, saat masih duduk di bangku...
Dimensiones del Impacto | Fundación BRITDOC
En nuestros previos posts, examinamos dos seminarios del impacto social de los documentales. El documento de Fledgling Fund de 2008 "Evaluando el Impacto de los Medios de Comunicación Creativos" introdujo un marco de trabajo donde a través de historias...
Dimensions of Impact | BRITDOC Foundation
In our previous posts, we examined two seminal reports on the social impact of documentary films. The Fledgling Fund's 2008 "Assessing Creative Media's Social Impact" introduced a framework in which compelling stories create social change by going through stages...
Better Practice in Participatory Video Webinar Series
Dimensions of Impact | Center for Media and Social Impact
In the second installment of our "Dimensions of Impact" series, we look at reports on the impact of social documentaries written by the Center for Media and Social Impact (CMSI) at American University. Founded by Patricia Aufderheide, the center describes itself as an...
Dimensions of Impact | The Fledgling Fund
Over the past several years, there has been growing attention focused on understanding and measuring the impact of social issue documentary films. This conversation has been driven by institutions in the U.S. and U.K., such The Fledgling Fund, BRITDOC Foundation, the...
Arrancando la nueva etapa de la investigación de Video para el Cambio
A principios del 2013, la red de Video para el cambio comenzó con un proyecto de investigación en colaboración con el Centro para los medios cívicos y el Open Documentary Lab para explorar el impacto del video para el cambio, con un enfoque en las aproximaciones...
Kicking off the next stage of the Video4Change Impact Research
In early 2013 the