Video4Change Network Blog

Introducing Cinemata: A platform for social and environmental films on the Asia-Pacific
EngageMedia, a nonprofit that convenes the Video4Change Network, announces the launch of, a platform for social and environmental films about the Asia-Pacific.

New Network Member Spotlight: Picture People
The goal of the Video for Change Network members Picture People is to teach communication skills and media making that contribute to social change, especially in areas affected by war and disaster.

New Network Member Spotlight: Sunflower Film Organization
Sunflower Film Organization is an independent collective of mostly volunteers working across Cambodia to gather young Cambodians and train them on how to use film as a tool for empowerment and freedom of expression.

Video4Change Network Updates, May 2021
The Video4Change Network continues to amplify the voices of women’s groups and other marginalised sectors through the use of video and technology, empowering them to advocate for their concerns while maximising engagement with other members of their respective communities.

New Network Member Spotlight: eyeWitness to atrocities
eyeWitness to Atrocities supports frontliners documenting atrocity crimes through easy-to-use video technology that offers guaranteed evidentiary value. This interview is part of a New Member Spotlight series that highlights the work of the Video4Change Network’s newest members.

Video4Change Network Updates, March 2021
This month, members of the Video4Change Network joined the celebrations for International Women’s Month, the works of some are highlighted in this second Network update of 2021.

New Network Member Spotlight: Refugee Law Project
The Refugee Law Project is an organisation in Uganda running a large Media for Social Change program and planning a 2021 film festival to showcase the work of its video trainees.

New Network Member Spotlight: Biru Terong Initiative
Vivian Idris is the founder of the Biru Terong Initiative based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biru Terong is one of six Video for Change organisations that recently joined the Video4Change Network, each of which will be featured on the website in the coming weeks.

Video4Change Network Updates, January 2021
The January 2021 update includes news from the network’s new members and affiliates from the October 2020 intake.

Impact Story: ‘The Absolute Power to Choose’
“The Absolute Power to Choose” brings us to Kenya, where villagers from Raya were empowered to work with their local government to fix their village roads after seeing their story on video.