Video4Change Network Blog

Resonating Voices of the Video4Change South Africa Gathering
Some participants of the Video4Change Grassroots Gathering in South Africa (October 2019) shared their experience and emotions about the event.

Video4Change Network Updates, December 2019
This is a regular public update of the Video4Change network, a network of human rights activists, journalists, trainers, and video practitioners who create and use video to affect social change.

Video4Change Grassroots Gathering in South Africa
The Video4Change Network hosted a five-day gathering of grassroots video practitioners in South Africa. Watch the video report.

Participatory Video In The Era Of Emerging Technologies: Interview with Nick Lunch
EngageMedia’s video lead King Catoy interviewed Nick Lunch, the co-founder of InsighShare and one of the pioneers of Participatory Video.

The Impact Toolkit Co-Creation Lab
EngageMedia, running up to the release of the Bahasa Indonesia version of the Video for Change Impact Toolkit, facilitated a Co-Creation Lab in Jakarta for 14 Indonesian video practitioners.

Video4Change South Africa Grassroots Gathering: Some Takeaways & Insights
I was humbled and blown away by this insanely talented, motivated, and experienced group of people, all fighting in their own way for what is right. It seems that many of these activists are fighting familiar struggles and facing similar issues across borders.

The Video4Change Grassroots Gathering has started
On October 9, 2019, forty activists & participatory video practitioners from Africa & beyond arrived at Bertha Foundation’s Retreat in Stellenbosch, Capetown, South Africa for the #video4change Grassroots Gathering. Egbert Wits writes what happened on that day.

Video4Change Network Updates, September 2019
This is a regular public update of the Video4Change network, a network of human rights activists, journalists, trainers, and video practitioners who create and use video to affect social change.

DSLR Camera Footage Over the Internet: A Handbrake Tutorial Using H265 Codec
(This tutorial is an addition to the Video Compression Resource Pages that we created a few years ago. The older one, H264 Step-by-Step Handbrake Tutorial, was intended for compressing videos for and other video platforms like Youtube, Vimeo, etc. )...

Impact Toolkit Journey: the Beginning
The Video for Change Impact Toolkit was launched almost three months ago and we are planning to start implementing the Impact Toolkit methodology in Southeast Asia.