First Global Convening, Indonesia

In June 2012 a global gathering of 15 Video for Change organisations was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The event sparked a number of collaborations and reinforced the importance of video in campaigning, advocacy and social change. The result of that meeting was a new video4change network. Our home is this site.

You can find documentation of the event on the wiki and the also read the following blog posts:

In the coming months this site will transform (and keep transforming) to reflect the plans that were made during the gathering and the activities of the participating organisations. Stay tuned.

Video for Change is what we are calling the use of video to affect social change. From 5 – 9 June 2012 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, EngageMedia and WITNESS co-hosted a global gathering of organisations that use video for activism. It was attended by 13 organisations.

It was a fruitful event, sparking collaborations between the organisations and reinforcing the importance of video in campaigning, advocacy and social change. The event was documented through the wiki. Blog posts have also been written about the event:

This website will reflect the plans that were made during the gathering and the activities of the participating organisations.