After a series of virtual events and convenings, several members of the Video4Change Network are set to meet in person to maximise opportunities for video for change work at the DRAPAC23 Assembly in May 2023.
After three years of virtual events and nearly four years after the last Video4Change network gathering in South Africa, several network members active in the Asia-Pacific are set to gather at the Digital Rights Asia-Pacific 2023 (DRAPAC23) Assembly in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from May 22 to 26, 2023.
The DRAPAC23 Assembly brings together over a hundred digital and human rights advocates, academics, journalists, media-makers, artists, designers, technologists, youth advocates, and representatives from marginalised communities. The event aims to broaden the Asia-Pacific digital rights movement and strengthen solidarity and networks.
Through the regional gathering, the Video4Change Network aims to solidify its members’ ties and maximise opportunities to strengthen the field of video for change work in the region through masterclasses, workshops, sharing sessions, and film screenings.
Four Network members will be part of the Assembly to share their knowledge, experience, and expertise:
- DRAPAC23 Assembly host EngageMedia, an Asia-Pacific non-profit promoting digital rights, open and secure technology, and social issue documentaries.
- Picture People, a non-profit committed to training people to use visual media and technology to effectively expose human rights abuses, alter perceptions and behaviours, and affect change.
- Sunflower Film Organization, an independent collective training young Cambodians on using film as a tool for empowerment and freedom of expression, and organiser of the yearly Chaktomuk Short Film Festival.
- WITNESS, a global foundation that helps people use video and technology to protect and defend human rights.
Masterclasses and Film Screenings
On May 23, Picture People, led by Nick Danziger and Claudia Modonesi, will facilitate a masterclass session on ‘Storytelling for Advocacy Filmmakers’. The session aims to help changemakers tell emotionally-engaging stories that are effective in raising awareness for their advocacy.
On May 25, EngageMedia, Sunflower Film Organization, and WITNESS will join a panel discussion on film impact production. Both are public sessions.
Films from Video4Change Network member Freedom Film Network will also be screened as part of the lineup in Cinemata Big Screen: Stories of Solidarity, a week-long regional film program running parallel to Assembly. Over five days, more than 20 films on online freedom of expression, surveillance, digital labour, data justice, online gender-based violence and more will be hitting the big screen.
All activities will involve locals, media practitioners, youth and field leaders from various communities in Chiang Mai, and visitors to the Assembly.
For more information about the Video4Change Network gathering and these sessions, email [email protected]