قد تحتاج إلى التفكير في المعدات الخارجية للمساعدة في تحسين جودة الفيديو. وإذا كان هناك أداتان فقط يمكنك شراؤها، ننصح بالميكرفون الخارجي ومثبت الصور. ويقدم دليل تسجيل الفيديو على أجهزة أندرويد اقتراحات بشأن الاثنين، وقد لخصناها في هذا القسم. ولمزيد من المعلومات، انظر أدوات الإنتاج المقترحة من Small World News.
‎المشكلة الثابتة أمام مقاطع فيديو الهاتف النقال هي ضعف جودة الصوت بالميكروفون الداخلي. وإذا كنت جادًا بشأن تصوير مقاطع فيديو فعالة، فكر في الاستعانة بميكروفون خارجي، خاصة لتسجيل المقابلات الشخصية. والشيء المبهج أن بإمكانك شراء محول منخفض التكلفة، يطلق عليه محول TRRS (كما هو موضح هنا) الذي يقوم بتشغيل مقبس الصوت الخارجي (مقبس سماعة الرأس) ويسمح لك بتوصيل معظم الميكروفونات الخارجية. انظر قسم رابط لدليل برايان في هذا الدليل بشأن الميكروفونات المقترحة.
https://www.v4c.org/content/preparing-recordالصورة منشورة في الأصل على

You may need to think of external equipment to help improve the quality of the video. If there is only two tools you can buy, we recommend Balmicrvon external image stabilizer. The Guide provides video recording on Android devices proposals on Monday, has been _khasnaha in this section. For more information, see the tools of production from the proposed Small World
News. problem fixed in front of the mobile phone video clips are poor sound quality internal microphone. If you’re serious about shooting video clips effectively, think of the use of an external microphone, especially for recording interviews. The delightful thing that you can buy a low-cost adapter, called the adapter TRRS (as shown here), which is running the external audio jack (headphone jack) allows you to connect most external microphones. See section Link Directory Brian in this guide on the proposed microphones.
Https://www.v4c.org/content/preparing-record image originally published on

To conduct the interviews in which the host and guest voice heard, purchase a microphone in the form of a lollipop or heart (pistol) Pkmama provider. The microphones of the quality of the sound of the guest register Avalier only.
always make sure that the adapter works Macrawfonk before recording. And record some sounds into the microphone and click on the microphone with your fingers. Can you hear the clicking fingers when you restart the registration through headphones? If not:
1 – Make sure you connect the socket completely. Remove the cover of the phone in the case of disability of the socket. Experiment again.
2 – Is there a switch on / off Bmacrawfonk? Make sure you turn it on.
3 – Can be shipped Macrawfonk battery power? Try changing the battery.
Note: Contains TRRS adapter on the implementers of the voice, one for audio input and the other for audio output (headphone). In devices that we’ve tested, can not use the headphone jack at the same time Kmqubs for audio input. Log your experience with connecting a microphone, and then bent. Connect the headset to the port, and the other to listen to the recording.
installer is a proposed other external devices. Make sure the training on these devices, where it can cause blurred sound when moved snapshot photography. We recommend using a Slingshot Smartphone Video Stabilizer (as described below). additional tools for imaging:     1. Good strong shoes. Think of the comfort toe.     2. Backpack good.     3. Good for your portfolio. It can be a “Movie” or the juice pack to give you more energy.     4. Appropriate clothing for the weather and the time of late.     5. Water / snacks.     6. A good book. (You may experience a long delay and you should avoid the use of battery power to entertain).