A selection of participants of the Video4Change Grassroots Gathering in South Africa (Oct. 2019). Image via InsightShare.
We are the Video4Change Network, a consortium of human rights activists, journalists, trainers, and video practitioners who use video as their primary tool to effect social change. The Network strengthens collaboration between Video for Change organisations so they can better respond to shared challenges and opportunities.
The Network was founded in June 2012 at a meeting in Indonesia and has since evolved to develop a formal governance and membership structure, as well as successfully executing a range of collaborative projects responding to identified needs in the field. The Video4Change Network currently consists of 12 Network Partners and Affiliates from 5 different continents.
Video is rapidly becoming a fundamental part of advocacy work – the Video for Change Network aims to provide leadership and support to this rapidly evolving field. At this critical point in history we are seeking to expand the membership of the Network, and invite you to apply.
Network Aims:
- Build Mutual Support and Exchange: members engage with one another in peer-support, learning, and knowledge exchange, online and via global and regional convenings. Together, we actively curate, create, and promote learning resources with our Network members and with Video for Change practitioners more broadly.
- Support and Initiate Projects and Collaborations: members support and initiate a variety of partnerships and projects as a Network and, with the broader field, develop new initiatives and leverage our collective fundraising capacity.
- Expand and Influence the Video for Change Field: as a Network, we advocate on key Video for Change issues, build the profile of Video for Change, connect regional and national grassroots video content to larger audiences, and influence the broader social change and human rights field.
- Build the Reputation of Video for Change: we continuously develop the legitimacy and standing of Video for Change as critical social change and human rights practice.
Why join the Video4Change Network?
- Increased collaboration, learning, and knowledge sharing opportunities
- Access to a wide range of expert knowledge
- A strengthened organization profile
- An opportunity to contribute to shaping the strategic direction of the Network and the broader field
- Share and collaborate regarding funding opportunities
- Ability to utlise the Video4Change Network name
- Ability to attend Network convenings
- A platform to build collaborations with leaders in the field
Over the years the Video4Change Network has supported a wide variety of collaborations, produced a range of learning resources, and held knowledge sharing events between members and the broader commuity. Some highlights include:
- Global Network convenings in Indonesia, Mexico, and Sri Lanka
- Production of the Video for Change Impact Toolkit in English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Hosting of a series of regional convenings in South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, and Turkey.
For more detailed information about the various roles, rights, and responsibilities of Network members and affiliates, including information on membership fees, please read our Governance Document. We also have a set of Participation Guidelines, which describe the core values and behaviours expected of members.
Is your organization a good fit?
To be a good fit for the Video4Change Network your organisation should
- Be a non-government, non-corporate entity that is committed to the core goals of the Network
- Use video as your primary technology for achieving positive social change
- Work towards making meaningful contributions to human rights and environmental justice
- Be interested in building the Video for Change field more broadly
- Be an experienced Video for Change practitioner
- Have a minimum of two (2) full-time staff members or the equivalent
If you’re interested to apply, please fill out the application form below before 23 August 2020. After a selection process involving all current Video4Change members, selected applicants will be invited to become members of the Video4Change Network.
If you have any questions, or would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
“Applications for membership are closed”
We are a very young setup and have not really started work yet. We would need the mentoring and the network to be able to walk and run later. We envisage that this would be a good opportunity for our establishment and growth.
Yao, Thank you for your comment. I have emailed you separately. Cheers, Egbert
Hello – I see it’s not possible to join as an individual. I’m not affiliated with any organisation other than having been involved with EngageMedia for a couple of years and a good many years as a founding participant of the Association for Progressive Communications. I also teach post-grad video journalism and media ecology at Swinburne Uni. I wonder if an individual category would be prudent?
Keep up the most excellent work.
Hello Andrew. Thank you for your comment and interest. My colleague, Andrew Lowenthal, already replied to your feedback via Facebook, but to be complete I’ll summarize and add on to his answer a bit.
The Video4Change Network currently only has the capacity to support at the organizational level. However, we will be logging this request for individuals to potentially join and will bring this issue up with our members when we are having our first network wide discussions with the new members included.
Wishing you all the best with all your interesting work Andrew.
I’m also a independent filmmaker who would like to join. I understand you can only support at the organisation level, so I’m adding my name to the list of individuals who would like to be a member in the hope it will strengthen our case.
I am an Independent film maker, CAN I JOIN ?
Dear Bhaskar Jyoti, thank you for your question. Andrew had a similar question before you. Unfortuntely we are not able to support individual film-makers yet, but it’s good to hear there’s a need for that. Again, once the new members have become part of the network we will discuss this issue. Wishing you all the best wih your work Bhaskar Jyoti.
Hello Simon Clode. Thank you, it’s the kind of spirit we like to see! You’ve just made the case for the Video4Change Network offering future support to individual film-makers a little stronger. Again, we can make absolutely no promises in these challenging times, but we do recognize and appreciate your voices.
Hi Mas Egbert,
What’s the difference between registering as a member and as an affiliate
Hello Vivian. Good question! For the exact details, please see sections 5.1 and 5.2 of our Governance Document -lInk is just above the 2nd picture on this page.
In general Members have more rights then Affiliates, most importantly the right to vote on important decisions and the right to initiate or propose network fundraising ideas. Meaning Members play a more ‘forming’ role within the Network, whereas Affiliates join in the sharing, knowledge exchange and events, but have a lesser role when it comes to giving direction tot the Network as a whole. Hope that answers your questions, again precise details in the governance document. Looking forward to your application.
Oh, before I forget, there’s the option of selecting “I don’t know yet” when it comes to choosing between Member or Affiliate, so feel free to use that if you’re still in doubt.