Video4Change Network Updates, November 2020

Video4Change Network Updates, November 2020

Societies around the world continue to experience attacks against the right to peaceful assemblies, media censorship, and roadblocks to exercising their right to education and livelihood, among other challenges to upholding human rights globally. But video also continues to be used to expose these attacks and challenges, communicating underrepresented narratives to more audiences through creative concepts, grassroots storytelling, and the use of existing technologies to their advantage.

Video4Change Network Updates, September 2020

Video4Change Network Updates, September 2020

As a Network, we have seen video being put to work in trying to document and raise awareness for moments of hope and solidarity, but also to address and lay bare moments of abuse of power and violent authoritarianism. Video makers are adapting to the new situation and are finding ways to investigate what’s happening to affected communities on the frontlines or continue projects they were forced to put on hold for a while.

Kasus Assa Asso: Mendokumentasikan protes bukanlah makar!

Kasus Assa Asso: Mendokumentasikan protes bukanlah makar!

Bukti terancamnya kebebasan berekspresi di Indonesia ini diperkuat dengan dijatuhkannya hukuman kepada Assa Asso (yang juga dikenal sebagai Stracky Yally), seorang jurnalis dan sineas dari organisasi Papuan Voices, pada tanggal 24 Juni 2020. Assa Asso dijatuhi hukuman penjara selama satu tahun atas dugaan makar ketika dia mendokumentasikan protes anti-rasisme yang terjadi di bulan Agustus dan September 2019 melalui akun Facebooknya.

Video4Change Network Updates, July 2020

Video4Change Network Updates, July 2020

As a Network, we have seen video being put to work in trying to document and raise awareness for moments of hope and solidarity, but also to address and lay bare moments of abuse of power and violent authoritarianism that have followed in the wake of COVID-19 societal restrictions. The July 2020 Video4Change Network update will highlight notable efforts by the Video4Change Network members.

Recording a Video Podcast Remotely Using Free and Open-Source Software

Recording a Video Podcast Remotely Using Free and Open-Source Software

Here at EngageMedia, we just released the pilot episode of “Pretty Good Podcast: Discussions on Digital Rights” and are about to publish our second episode. After experiencing firsthand the intricacies of podcast production, we thought we’d share some of our learnings, especially since we wanted to use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for the recording of the show. This short resource guide is also tailored for remote work — a new reality brought to us by the current times.